Sunday, October 25, 2020


an eye for an eye
but that's not enough
they want a pound of flesh too
the wolf has discarded
the sheep's clothing
and he is more wicked than expected
once he fought against kleptocrats
now he is the one dishing out millions
to lure the wira to hop over to the dark side
it is truly topsy-turvy treachery
they want to make the right wrong and the wrong right
it is written fair is foul and foul is fair
that has been true for thousands of years

a tooth for a tooth
but that's not enough
they want a pound of flesh too
the innocents and the righteous
rush to the barricades to defend
against the furious fusillades of filth
they stand steadfast on the moral high ground
they shall march on in the name of justice
in the name of truth, in the name of honour
with heaven on their side, they shall vanquish
the evildoers, werewolves and fallen wira
and in the final battle, justice will prevail
that too has been true for thousands of years

Aug 8 2020

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