Sunday, October 25, 2020


It has been at least eight years since I last wrote poems, but this COVID-19 lockdown and alarming events unfolding around the world have somehow released some creative juices. I would like to share a poem I wrote last night. Hopefully, it can change this troubled world a little. Thanks for reading:
Whose knee is on my neck?
get off, you fool
let me breathe
this air is for all of us
this air sustains all of us
i am chinese, not a virus
i am among the browns
just a shade lighter
perhaps with a dab of yellow
i am among the blacks
and minority ethnics
i am beige, off-white
does colour matter?
black slaves sold like cattle
enrich poor white traders whose wealth
affords them pride, prestige and power
rich white traders become
even richer while staring at
wall street ticker tape
as slaves kneel down and die
on the streets of free enterprise
handcuffs are unlocked and
slaves are set free while
white knees press on black necks
to stop them from rising up
people of colour leave the rainbow garden
to the promised land of the free
where they are to roam freely
in the savannah of plenty
but blood flows freely
through the veins of the guilty
and blood flows freely
on the raw wounds of the innocent
i too have a dream
i dream of a rainbow nation
where people of many colours
can breathe without any pain
where people of many colours
can dine in the temple of equality
where people of many colours
can live without shooting each other
and people shall beat their swords into plowshares
and their spears into pruning hooks
nation shall not lift up sword against nation
neither shall they learn war anymore
in a new eden on a new earth
Lam Seng Fatt
Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
June 8 2020

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